Advocates Protecting Children is a 501c3 (non-profit) organization, EIN #87-3081103. This status applies retroactively to Advocates' date of incorporation, which is November 9, 2021.

What can you do to help prevent the victimization of children by the gender industry (gender clinics and cosmetic surgeons, social media influencers, pharmaceutical companies, activist groups, transgender-rights lobbyists, schools, and policymakers)? From sending a postcard to taking part in a protest, every action you take helps to push back on the nefarious transgender agenda.
Sign up here to receive our weekly Take Action Checklist of actions you can take to protect children. Click here to see all archived issues of our weekly Take Action Checklist.

ACTION: Share a Let’s Think About It or other gender-critical meme on social media

ACTION: Put Truth Stickers on your letters, or (legally) in public spaces.

ACTION: Send postcards, email, call, or make appointments to talk with legislators.
Find Your Senators' and Representatives' Contact Info:

ACTION: Put fliers in clothing pockets at stores such as Target, which do not protect women's safety & rights.

ACTION: Donate a gender-critical book to a library or a Little Free Library.

ACTION: Write a letter to your local paper.

ACTION: Go to your local school's school board meetings or watch them online. Sign up to speak during the open comments agenda item.

ACTION: Start (or join) a parents'/citizens' watchdog group.

ACTION: Put up a billboard.

ACTION: Take out an ad in a magazine or newspaper.